Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Finance Exam

I’m finally digging myself out of the hole I was in after I took a finance exam today. The last problem was worth forty of the one hundred total points, and I had no idea how to answer any part of it. Apparently, it was a problem that he demonstrated during the class that I had to miss for a job interview in Phoenix. I just wrote “BLANK,” which my professor promises to credit with a quarter of the possible points.

I know I failed this test. I walked for an eternity across campus trying to hold back tears. I cried because I stayed up almost all night studying for the exam and prepared an extensive note sheet.
I cried because I had an accounting exam that same morning.
I cried because I was EGGS-OSTED!!!!
I cried because I thought that my hardest effort produced mediocre results.
I was crushed. I don’t want to conclude that I am a bad finance student, but I might have to.

I got the job in Phoenix working for the Suns in a sales training program. But the promise of a job after graduation does not ease my mind about grades like I thought it would. I still pressure myself to do well.

The funniest part of my day, though, was after I had passed out in my bed in a puddle of tears. I woke up just in time to grab a late dinner at the servery. I sneaked into the Baker College awards night ceremony in Duncan Commons to sit and eat. After the festivities, who walks up to shake my hand and say hello?


“Oh shit!” I thought. In between pleasantries, I warned him about how bad my test was and that it was probably due to my missing class that day for the interview. He brushed it aside and just chatted politely with me while I finished my dessert. As he walked away, I realized I hadn’t told him my only good news from the week. I shamelessly ran after him yelling “Dr. Butler, DR. BUTLER!”

“You should know that I got the job.”

He may not be proud of my performance on that test, but he can be proud of me for this. He got excited, congratulated me, and shook my hand. It was a relief to just see a normal, nice guy in this intimidating figure.

Thanks, Teach! But your class is tough.

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