Monday, March 28, 2011

Mercury Insider Emails

I spent a tedious hour at the end of my workday putting together the Mercury Insider email. This is a bi-weekly email sent to all Mercury season ticket holders. This is not one of my normal duties. One of the girls in the AES office used to do it before she left, but now my boss shoulders the (burden) duty. My boss is out of the office starting tomorrow, so I was tasked with drawing up the email and sending it to the correct managers for approval and distribution. "Submit a draft by EOD today," she instructed.

There is not much information in the Insider. In fact, there is so little that I had to stretch for some good copy to fill the page, most of which I copied and pasted straight from other sources on the team website. As I wrote a few short sentences to remind people about Hip Hop Squad auditions and the all-important 2 game pre-season schedule, a number of difficult questions gave me pause.

Who is my audience?

What do they want to know? What do they need to know?

How can I effectively communicate this information to my readers?

What do they need to know about me, the author?

How might their past experiences color their perception of my words?

I submitted a solid rough draft at 6:15pm. I'm sure it will get ripped to shreds before it goes out on Wednesday.

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